Friday, September 4, 2009

Get ready to work your butts off people!!!

Plier squats. Power lunges. Plank. Triceps dips. Burpees. Push ups. Superman pose. Glute kickbacks. Sit ups. RUNNNNN!!!!!!
Words you will quickly become familiar with at my bootcamp and learn to love. If you haven't gotten yourself bikini or board short ready, NOW is your chance!!! Sometimes we just need a good kick in the butt to get in shape and I promise that I will do that for you. I love people and fitness and I am excited to see you guys become stronger, leaner and healthier over the next 8 weeks. Making this commitment will be the best thing you can do for yourselves. One hour, 3 times a week for 8 weeks can result in a dramatic inner and outer body transformation. Come check it out and see for yourself.
Whether you have been looking to get in shape for a long time, already in good shape, a mother looking to lose those last few pound or just looking for a new way to work out, Rachel's Bootcamp is for you. My hope is that we can form a really fun group and enjoy pushing ourselves while enjoying the burn. Hope to see you there!!!


  1. I love your bootcamp blog! As soon as I pop this baby out of my belly, I will be there to get my butt kicked!!!

  2. Rachel, I KNOW you are going to be AMAZING at this!!! I'm with Sarah, once this baby is out, I AM THERE! 100% and I can't wait. :)

  3. I already did it and my butt and thighs are killing me...but im gonna come back for more! aghahghaha! :) It was really fun you and are an awesome teacher!

  4. wish i were there to take the classes too! You will do great!!

  5. This sounds like a great idea, I so wish I could be there but I'd have to get a babysitter for 3 days a week. Bryan is not home during the day. Keep me posted on other times if you end up adding them. Good luck!!!!

  6. rachel- what a perfect job for you! you were such a fun running partner. i wish i still lived in burbank and could workout with you. on a happier note- john got another job with disney animation =) but we are living with my folks for a while longer to save up some money. i would love to come see you sometime though and let chloe and natalie play.

  7. Great Blog, I can't wait to go to your bootcamp. Bring it!!

  8. Rachel~ That is fantastic that you are doing BootCamp training! I have been doing it up here in Sacramento.....and it works! LOVE it! Doing it by participating not teaching. Good for you! Keep up your hard work! Need to catch up one of these days! I am pregnant with my third, it's a GIRL! Due October 9th!
